Frequently Asked Questions in Barrie ON

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about chiropractors in Barrie ON. Knowing the answers to these important questions will help you pick the best chiropractor in Barrie ON for you. If we didn't cover a question you may have, give Snelgrove Chiropractic Family Wellness Center a call at (705) 725-9322 and we will be more than happy to help answer your question.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism, controlled by the brain, spinal cord and nerves of the body. If the spine (vertebra) becomes shifted out the normal position or 'stuck' this can irritate the joints, ligaments, muscles and most importantly, the nerves! These spinal shifts can be the cause of many symptoms including pain, numbness/tingling and weakness - to name a few.

How does Chiropractic work?

Chiropractic works by restoring spinal positioning and function with gentle safe chiropractic adjustments. Improved spinal function allows for improved joint, ligament, and muscle functions. Together this will help your nervous system function better with fewer symptoms to no symptoms.

Should I consult with a Chiropractor?

Everyone should consider having their spines checked by a Chiropractor just as you would have a dentist check your teeth. Consultation with a Chiropractor is especially important after a traumatic event such as a fall, sports injury, work accident or car accident. After the consultation, Dr. Kevin Snelgrove D.C. would then be able to inform you about any issues relating to your spine and what he recommends for a course of care specific to your needs. Many people also consider the benefits of regular chiropractic care even when they feel healthy. 

Just as you choose to see your dentist to have your teeth checked, regular visits to your chiropractor can catch health related issues early, often times preventing them from developing into major problems.


Many parents choose to have their newborn checked by a chiropractor. Of course, Chiropractic techniques are very gentle as specific adjusting techniques are used to care for the newborn/infant spine. Having your child's spine checked throughout your child's developing years can help prevent health issues into adulthood. Recommended times to consider having your baby/infant checked are:

  • After the birth process
  • When the baby starts to hold his/her head up
  • When the baby sits up
  • When the baby starts to crawl
  • When the baby starts to stand
  • When the baby starts to walk

You take several precautions to ensure that your baby/child is eating healthy, having adequate rest, exercising regularly and brushing their teeth so that they can live a healthy and vibrant life. But what about their spine and nervous system - the very thing that controls all other functions in their body? It only makes sense to have their spine and nervous system checked by a chiropractor too! Parents often prefer Chiropractic care for their children because of its safe, non-invasive nature. Search for research articles on chiropractic and children by clicking the link.


Absolutely! Due to the inability to take medications, the natural safe approaches of Chiropractic is a logical choice for pregnant women for pain, morning sickness, and other pregnancy related issues. More and more doulas, midwives, and family doctors are referring to chiropractors because of the results seen. Special tables, pillows and patient positioning must be used so that soon to be Moms are comfortable. Dr. Kevin Snelgrove D.C. has a special interest in caring for pregnant women and children. He has completed post-graduate courses offered through the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association (ICPA) in this particular area and is trained in using the Webster Technique.

What results can I expect from an adjustment?

That is a tough question to answer as everybody is different. The goal of chiropractic care is to improve the function of the spine and nervous system. When that happens irritations to the nerves, ligaments and muscles are reduced which help a person feel better and heal better. Some patients will just jump off the table as they feel so must better from the adjustment, while others will require a series of adjustments. The number of adjustments will depend on your condition, the length of time you have had the problem, your age and the degree of spinal changes or damage. The key is to always remember that your care is ALWAYS up to YOU. Dr. Kevin Snelgrove D.C. will give you his best recommendations based on your spinal condition, nervous system function and your health goals.

Do I need a medical doctor's referral to see a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are primary healthcare practitioners therefore a referral is not necessary. However, more and more medical doctors are referring their patients to Chiropractors.

Do chiropractic adjustments hurt?

In most cases, not at all.

In fact, most people find having an adjustment very relaxing. With some adjustments, you may sometimes feel or hear a popping sound from the spinal joints. This is simply caused by a gas release from the joint as spinal movement is restored, such as when a wet glass is removed from a table.

Some Chiropractors use a handheld instrument to adjust the spine. Others use pelvic blocks to re-align the body. Special techniques are used for adjusting infants and children. Whatever the technique recommended for your particular condition, Chiropractors use skill, not force or strength, to conduct a safe and effective adjustment. Dr. Kevin Snelgrove D.C. is trained in a number of manual, instrument dependent and table assisted techniques.

How long will I need chiropractic care?

Spinal problems, neglected since early childhood, may require ongoing supportive care for optimum spinal function. These long-standing problems are often associated with muscle weakness, soft tissue damage, and degenerative changes to the spine.
Most patients find that periodic preventative/wellness care help keep them in tip-top shape. Those who are active, have stressful jobs, or want to be their very best, find that a schedule of preventative visits are helpful in the maintenance of good health.
Some patients seek chiropractic care only when their ache or pain becomes unbearable. While this style of "crisis management" is usually more costly and time-consuming, chiropractors stand ready to help all patients, regardless of their health goals. How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.



7:45am - 10:45am
2:30pm - 5:45pm

7:45am - 10:45am

7:45am - 10:45am
2:30pm - 5:45pm


Saturday & Sunday

Snelgrove Chiropractic Family Wellness Center

197 Bayfield St
Barrie, ON L4M 3B4

(705) 725-9322